1230 SE Maynard Road, Suite 204
Cary NC 27511
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Phone: (919)906-4269
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This is Where We Start
You’re here because you’re curious about me, about the process, about what to do next. Curiosity is a really important aspect of psychotherapy because beyond the desire to change lies a path to something different. It’s my job to help you define the goal and help you determine how to get there. Sometimes the feelings or thoughts are overwhelming, and in that case, it's my job to help you settle things so you can move forward.
I am always impressed by the fact that people walk through my door. They come with all types of problems, all types of fears and feelings, in one bad situation or another, but they come and sit and share. That takes a certain courage, some would call it desperation, but everyone is acting on the hope that taking that step will lead them to a better place. Beginning therapy starts a journey with me, but more importantly, a journey with yourself.
Go to the contact page or call me at (919)906-4269. Travel this website to find out more.
What Exactly is Psychotherapy?
It's a process, some people call it a journey, that you travel with a professional toward a mutually determined goal. Some problems are solved easily, while others are more complicated, requiring more time. Experience, specialized training and perspective are what I bring to the process.
There are some general ground rules for the process:
Pick someone you like or trust. You should leave the first several sessions with a sense of direction, a sense that the person you’re with understands your problem and has a plan about moving forward. It’s better if you can engage with the person because that will make the process a little easier.
Trust has much to do with safety, and in the therapeutic situation one of the primary rules is confidentiality. It is your right to expect that what you say remains confidential. If you are concerned about this at any point, you should have a discussion about this topic as often as you need to. Exchanging information to anyone outside the therapy requires a release of information. You may find my Notice of Privacy Practices, a HIPPA requirement, on this site.
Many times this release will be included in the intake process, especially regarding information about your insurance and medical information that will be filed for claims toward financing your treatment. In general, filing claims for payment needs to include your identifying information, diagnoses, length and frequency of treatment. There are times when you have been referred by a physician or someone else, and that release may have been signed at the other office.
There are legal exclusions to this which include requirements to report evidence of abuse and intent to endanger yourself and/or others.
Pick someone who has expertise in the area you’re seeking help for. This would be similar to your school experience. If you’re studying upper level math, it’s better to take that course with a teacher who knows what they’re doing. (By all means do not come to me for that!) There are generalists and specialists. If you go to a professional who doesn’t know enough to help you, hopefully they will refer you to someone who can.
This also relates to medical vs. non-medical helpers. I am a clinical social worker. As such I cannot write prescriptions, nor can I advise on legal matters, nor financial matters except in the most common sense ways. All of these topics are open for discussion in sessions.